Sales: (866) 695-9560
Service: (450) 680-5411
Parts: (450) 688-9111
Lincoln Concierge: (514) 605-5344
Loan of a Lincoln Vehicle
You come by on Friday afternoon to pick up the vehicle, whether it’s the Corsair, the Aviator or the Nautilus. We lend it to you for the whole weekend! It is also possible to lend it to you for 48 hours during the week, depending on our availability.
A Complete Demonstration
Before you leave for the weekend, a specialist will give you a complete demonstration of the vehicle. We can connect your phone to the vehicle and answer all your questions for you to be ready to go.
Surprise Gift & Enchantment
In addition to leaving with a Lincoln vehicle, we have a surprise gift waiting for you when you arrive at the dealership! We give it to you just before you leave for the weekend.
Car Wash of Your Vehicle
Leave your personal vehicle with us and our Detailing Centre will take care of making it shine! When you return on Monday, you’ll see that our team of experts took good care of your vehicle.
Send Your Request Now
Contact our team of consultants now at (866) 695-9560 or fill out the form below.